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- South Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI)
South Idaho Correctional Institution (SICI)
SICI houses 400 female residents and 300 male residents. Most residents are assigned a job and work inside or outside the facility. Vocational Work Projects include road crews for the Idaho Transportation Department and conservation and firefighting crews for the U.S. Forest Service. Some residents serve as workers in the Correctional Industries program. SICI also operates the pre-release program for the majority of residents paroling from the system.
SICI is home to East Dorm, a 152-bed men's housing unit that was designed from the ground up to help its residents successfully return to their communities and as law-abiding citizens. There are no other units like it in Idaho’s correctional system and few others like it in the country.
Warden: Noel Barlow-Hust
Email: sici@idoc.idaho.gov
Phone: 208-336-1260
NOTE : Idaho code 18-5210 states that a person commits a crime by knowingly introducing or possessing contraband in a correctional facility. Contraband includes, but is not limited to tobacco, cell phone(s) or telecommunication equipment, controlled/illegal substances, firearms or dangerous weapons, ammunition/explosives and escape tools or devices. Violations are punishable by imprisonment of up to 5 years and/or fine of up to $10,000.
Please read and be familiar with the Visiting Rules for Offenders and Visitors and complete the visiting application process before visiting the facility.
Visiting schedules are subject to change based on emergency situations.

Last update: August 11, 2023